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Immaculate Misconceptions Immaculate Misconceptions Project

Ellis Island left me with a sinus infection

5/27/06 – Bengali New Year and a very wet trip to Ellis Island left me with a sinus infection, so I spent most of this past week recovering and trying to stay healthy for the next few weeks. Memorial Day weekend has afforded me a perfect opportunity to make final preparations for Steve’s play. I’m currently working on the rehearsal CD that Steve will use for his final adjustments to his performance. While the web has worked until now, Steve needs something he can take to the venue with him, and something that will more or less reporduce my presence on stage until we can get together for a real rehearsal. I’m also using this time to construct my own final cue sheet and determine what my stage setup will be. Most of the stuff is acoustic guitar and voice, but we’re going to use an electric guitar for some variety, and my delay pedal will probably get dusted off.
Administratively, we’re still tossing around the idea of bringing the play to Bloomsburg, and we may write a grant for some funding, but nothing is set in stone yet.

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.