Please excuse the state of the site right now... update underway!
Immaculate Misconceptions Immaculate Misconceptions Project

Too blazing hot in the studio!

5/31/06 – Over the weekend I was able to complete the rehearsal CD for Steve and got that in the mail yesterday. Now it’s on to final production for the saleable CD which should happen this weekend. I’ve done some planning and ground work, but it has just been too blazing hot in the studio to get much else done. The air conditioner is nice, but of course the noise doesn’t allow recording to happen.
So tonight I decided to update the web site and see if I could tie up some other loose ends to free up time later when things cool off this weekend. Visitors can now access the audio preview page which contains some, though not all, of the music that was either written for the play or ended up on the cutting room floor. I think it’s neat for people to see the process.

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.