Author: jjdeprisco
Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.

NEPADOC is a documentary about intersections of environment, industry, and identity in Northeastern Pennsylvania over the past 300 years. Inspired by non-verbal documentary film landmarks such as Koyaanisqatsi and Baraka, NEPADOC blends 4K cinematography, local historical footage, and a sweeping score into a dizzying and contemplative meditation on culture, place, and public memory. ...
NEEMFest* 2022 saw the return of a beloved event that began in the early 2000s via the online electronic music forum Last convened in 2019, the NEEMFest and electro-music community endured two years of COVID lockdowns and postponements until finally an in-person event could be held in the Northeast ...

Since my last mailing in February, things have actually been pretty busy. My SCI-FI-LOPHONE project appeared at two STEAM events at Fluxspace and also at the 2022 Philly Maker Faire. The Philly Maker Faire podcast has reached over 50 episodes! Fricknadorable is back on the live music scene, having performed in Norristown, Plymouth Meeting, Newtown ...

I’ve been thinking about something a lot lately… I don’t know if it’s a Philly area thing, or if it has anything to do with the pandemic… or maybe it’s something else entirely… I’ve noticed over the past couple of years, that people don’t seem very inclined to introduce themselves ...

Back in May 2022, while providing visual projections for an Event Horizons show at The Rotunda in Philadelphia, I met the multitalented Taji Ra’oof Nahl (aka TR7). Since then, we’ve stayed in touch and have been slowly working on some collaborative projects. TR7’s Microfilm Festival is an ongoing, constantly evolving ...

Join me on Saturday October 15, 2022 at the Independence Seaport Museum for the Philadelphia Maker Faire. The event will run 10 AM to 5 PM and features a wide variety of makers from many fields. There’s truly something for everybody at this family-friendly event, showcasing the creativity of makers ...

After a hiatus of two years due to COVID, the Northeast Electro-music Festival (NEEMFest) returns to the Center for the Arts in Homer, NY on Sept 9-11, 2022. Part music festival, conference, and social gathering, the event has been going in some form for over 10 years. Highlights include opportunities ...

Fricknadorable (yes, that’s how we spell it) is an Americana music duo featuring Audra dePrisco (uke, vocals) and Jeremy dePrisco (guitar, bass and vocals). The group has been active since 2010, performing at repeat engagements at coffee shops, restaurants, farm markets, festivals, wineries, political fundraisers, and private parties. Fricknadorable has ...

During a recent podcast interview, the topic turned to listening habits and I realized it had been a while since I put together a “recommended listening” list. The groups, artists and albums below are a good sampling of what I enjoy listening to these days. I’ll confess that most of ...

Drawing from 10+ years of experience attending ambient, space, and electro-experimental shows, I’ve developed a hardware and software toolset that lets me provide striking on-the-fly as well as scripted visuals. The video projections that I offer fall into the following categories: A great example of pre-rendered video is my work ...

If you are like most singers and musicians, your focus is on making music, and enjoying that initial moment of creation. When it comes to the details of preparing a final mix, you may agonize over the process and struggle to finish material. This may be because you are simply ...

Enter the world of SCI-FI-LOPHONE, where music, noise and science come together to produce fun and unusual sound textures for all ages. A: SCI-FI-LOPHONE is a unique MIDI-controlled percussion instrument consisting of solenoids combined with traditional and non-traditional sound making objects. It’s part art installation, interactive science project, and part ...