For all of the minor technical problems that I’ve had (which I think are universal for any computer), I need to step back and comment on some of the many positives of writing/recording with the MacBook Pro. These observations fall into two categories: Software (in this case Garageband) and Hardware ...

Native Instruments’ free VST synth platform Kore is a nice tool. It comes with many great patches, and works well on PC, but the Mac version appeared to have lots of trouble recognizing a MIDI input from a Triton… or so I thought. Read about my wild goose chase… ...

One day when I sat down to our HP laptop (Audra’s main machine), I had a moment of confusion when the touch pad would not “click”. I’ve gotten used to this feature on the MacBook. Also, since I have not been using a mouse on the MacBook, it felt slightly ...

Another 30 minutes and the printing issue is solved! ...

OK, so how long will this journal go on? I think my initial goal of documenting the first week of the Mac experience is sufficient. I’ll probably post some more experiences as I get deeper into using some of the programs I’ve installed, and after I use the machine to ...

Not much computing today. Lots of running around and visiting, so not much to say about the Mac. Tried to use wireless hot spot in Borders, but it looks like T-Mobile is pulling their hotspots after mid-September. ...

This is the beginning of my “birthday weekend” in Harrisburg. It’s our last chance to get a little R&R before my next class at BU and Audra’s next school year starts up. Having lived in Harrisburg for four years, it is fun to visit old friends and see some of ...

I called Apple and they gave me some good news about the Snow Leopard upgrade that comes out tomorrow. As a recent customer, I can upgrade for 9.99 rather than 29.99. That’s nice to know, but it’s not something that I plan to do just yet. I want to see ...

Tonight was dedicated to getting to know the Mac Book’s audio capabilities a little more, particularly in relation to the collaboration I do in Second Life (SL). The setup for SL can be quite complicated. Both collaborators in our performances need to hear each other in real time, while at ...

The MacBook’s welcome wizard walked me through everything that I needed to do right away and within 11 minutes I was up and running with all of the basic functionality of the pre-installed software. I was immediately able to connect to my wireless router. I downloaded all of the current ...

I’m bound to get lots of questions on this one, so I thought it would be fun to blog about the experience. I’ve been a PC user for over 15 years. I’ve used Macs occasionally, but have not been part of the culture. I thought it was time to change ...

Two weeks left of the summer… where did it go? Well, in our case mostly traveling, theatre or recovering from both of those. Somewhere in there I completed an internship, leaving absolutely no other time for performing or other event activity. On the travel front, we went to Maine ...