Category: Project
Though I have had some involvement with theatre over the years, this was my first time on a theatrical stage since playing a flutist in Comedy of Errors in 1993. Writing for Steve is always a fun experience, and I am continually surprised at how well we work together. ...
On December 18, 2010 the Greek Theatre celebrated its reopening (or re-rezzing) by Jenene Lemaire and Talliver Hartnell at the London School of Journalism. (Special thanks to Jilly Kidd for her generous land grant). The lineup included music and poetry by Thaylon Singh, Phorkyad Acropolis, Singh Albatross, Morgue McMillan and ...
October 23, 2010 – Another support show for the CD. In a bizarre twist of virtual vs. “real”, Phorkyad surprised me with some Second Life t-shirts for the “Chaos Rise Up” gigs. Later, these shirts would be available in real life via Cafe Press. Artwork by Smiling Otis designs. ...
On Oct 9, 2010 – With the help of Thaylon, Chaos begins to Rise Up in support of the new album. Thanks to all the Creepy Girls who came out to support the show, including Megh, Morgue and Steorling. A pensive Steorling Heron ...
Saturday, September 25th, 2010 – Thaylon Singh performing the song “Organ Harvest” while Phorkyad gets his chainsaw running. It’s all fun and games until someone loses an organ. Hear a sample of the album version on the Chaos Rise Up album page. ...
Who? Festival produced by – an international online forum and community of artists, enthusiasts and industry pioneers in electronic music. People of many walks of life. What? Electro-music Festival 2010. This really was a celebration and not the usual industry conference with lots of ego, and PR hob-snobbing. Performances, ...
Photos from the electro-music 2010 festival are posted on Flickr. More stories to come! To learn more about visit their forums and streaming radio programs. ...