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Experimental Musicians Wanted…

Experimental music collective forming in Bloomsburg Area.

I’d like to form an experimental music collective that incorporates electronics with traditional instrumentation. I have a lot of experience in this area as a producer/studio musician, but don’t often have the opportunity to perform such material live. Hoping that with some help this would be possible.

Inspirations include: The research work of Bart Hopkin and such artists as Stomp, Blue Man Group, Richard Feynman, and Tom Waits. Specifically, I am looking for people who have either built their own instruments or musical gadgets, or severely modified existing gear in new and unusual ways (acoustic or electronic). Some background in recording and physics of sound helpful. An appreciation of what most perceive as “noise” recommended. MIDI, sampling, synthesis welcome.

Ages 30-40 preferred. Bloomsburg Area. Only serious artists who love recording and sound design need apply. This is a strictly sub-industrial project to see what the possibilities are in this area.

Check out my audio page. I’m in production with a new folk/rock record right now, but would like to meet with folks for preliminary discussion and experimentation. …

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.