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Keeping Fear Alive

It was a beautiful day, and though we got there late, had to deal with the crazy metro, and really couldn’t see too much of the actual performance, it was a great experience to see all these folks out expressing themselves. Highlights were the costumes, Yusuf Islam, R2-D2 and of course SQUIRRELS!!

Really glad we did this. May Chaos (of the sane and reasonable kind) Rise Up!

Check out my photos from the event.


It was a beautiful day, and though we got there late, had to deal with the crazy metro, and really couldn’t see too much of the actual performance, it was a great experience to see all these folks out expressing themselves. Highlights were the costumes, Yusuf Islam, R2-D2 and of course SQUIRRELS!!

Really glad we did this. May Chaos (of the sane and reasonable kind) Rise Up!

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.