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Large Open Terrarium Build

After making a number of closed terrariums, I wanted to try an open terrarium with no (intentional) inhabitants.

HomeGoods continues to have great deals on glass containers, and I found this one for $11! It appeared to be a factory second, with a very minor flaw in the glass, but no cracks.

HomeGoods has great, inexpensive, containers.

I’ve seen containers smaller than this go for $40 at Target and other places.

The white rocks are from Dollar General, and I’m still not sure what I think of them. They seemed like a good idea at the time, and they have grown on me. But they are just SO WHITE.

The other rocks are from a local stream, and the plants are all store-bought, still left over from my other plant buying trips.

No inhabitants here… at least that I know of.

This sits in our NW facing bay window that gets hammered with light during the second half of the day. I’m still monitoring how it is doing. There’s a bit of shade provided by some other plant holders and pots, but I am concerned that by midsummer, it will be too hot.

As of May 25, 2021

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.