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Blog Ireland

Life of the Rover

Breakin' the law...

So we made it to Dublin after several other dubious musical experiences, and one day made our way to St. Stephen’s Park. Beautiful gardens, people feeding swans and ducks in quaint ponds… a guy with a beer in his pocket. Pretty laid back. So I pull out my guitar to just practice a bit and rest. The guy with the pocket beer liked it, but within moments the park guards (?) came by and pointed out that there was no music allowed.

So much for Irish Hospitality.

I wasn’t even singing, or busking really. Just practicing.

So now, every time I play “Life of the Rover” these lines have more meaning…

There’s a bylaw to say you must be on your way
And another to say you can’t wander

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.