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Mac Crash

My friend Steve received an extra copy of MacLife and said he would be sending it to me instead. The last MacWorld or MacLife that I saw in the book store had a cover story about the top 10 Mac problems. Interesting.

Overall the Mac has been fine, and the novelty of this blog is wearing off. I think I proved my point. A machine is a machine, and there will be good days and bad regardless of the manufacturer.

Macs do crash, contrary to some people’s opinion. In my case, it was because of a DVD-R that I burned in our stand-alone DVR. The finalize process is supposed to make the disk usable on most other systems, but the Mac totally froze when I attempted to load the disk. To be fair, it also crashed our HP laptop, so my guess is that the disk was just bad. Later attempts worked OK.

I’m waiting until the end of the semester to upgrade to Snow Leopard, just in case there are any repercussions. …

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.

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