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Music and more

Yes, that’s a Hawaiian shirt…

Tonight was a very low-key evening of mostly covers for the Greenwood Auction at the Lighthouse. The original plan was for Michael Hickey to perform some jazz instrumentals, but due to a family emergency he was not available. It was not a problem really, and if anything it pushed me into gear to dust off some old standards and pull together some new gems. With all of the techno-experimental stuff I’ve been doing, it’s nice to be grounded in fingerstyle guitar. All the more reason for Bob Taylor to call me (this is an inside joke).

After the auction we went to Taste of Italy to use a gift certificate that our friend Mike bid on and won, and to turn him on to this local culinary gem. The place was packed – somewhat loud – but it was all good, and added to the energy of a wonderful Spring evening. Not a hint of chill on the way home (and a little Reisling didn’t hurt).

We ran into an old theatre alumni from BU, which was a nice treat and may broaden our cast options for the summer. Auditions come up next weekend.

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.

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