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Electro Signals

Signals Electro-Music 3/17/11 Radio Show Playlist

Signals with Shivasongster – March 17, 2011 – In celebration of St. Patty’s Day, this show featured an “enhanced” version of the ol’ Irish tune “All For Me Grog” originally recorded during some formative recording experiences at Lebanon Valley College with friend Matt Homiak while he was taking courses there. The we moved into a series of shorter pieces from the cutting room floor inspired by circus music and (mostly) Eastern European styles – pieces originally composed for a live sideshow project. The evening wrapped up with a Buddhism-inspired piece from Immaculate Misconceptions and several songs from my latest album, Chaos Rise Up.

# / Name / Album or Collection
1 All For Me Grog – Lebanon Valley College 1996 (w/2011 electro elements)
2 2/2/06 Ethereal Cinematic SoftSynth Experiment – Immaculate Misconceptions
3 circus4*
4 circus5*
5 circus6*
6 Opium Sideshow*
7 10_Minimalism*
8 17_HappySongForMike*
9 Balkan Freilakh 2*
10 Balkan Mehmeda 1*
11 Balkan Opa*
12 Balkan Paidouchko*
13 Balkan Sirba*
14 Balkan Test 1*
15 Balkan Test 2*
16 Balkan Thas Paso*
17 Balkan Vlaque*
18 Sidechain*
19 pas09 Sept09*
20 primalkorg*
21 092609 Sideshow*
22 Chindra’s Lament – Immaculate Misconceptions
23 What’s Reality – Chaos Rise Up
24 Creepy Girl – Chaos Rise Up
25 The Morning After – Chaos Rise Up

This program is Copyright 2011 Jeremy dePrisco.

* Sideshow Distractions –  non-album project intended as preshow, background and curtain call for sideshow performer Professor Fountain.

Be sure to check out the rest of my electro archives, which feature some neat pictures of my early studio setups… some of them quite fun.

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.