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Electro Signals

Signals Electro-Music 5/12/11 Radio Show Playlist

Show #8 featured live Space Folk… songs from my acoustic set put through delay pedals with KAOSS beat support… at least until the batteries ran out.

Track Song Writer Album
1 City of New Orleans (Steve Goodman) Various
2 Diatribe (from JJD’s Cadillacs & Tarantulas)
3 Just Friends*
4 Saw It With My Own Two Eyes*
5 On The Edge (from JJD’s Catch the Squirrel)
6 Hard Pill to Swallow*
7 Country Roads (John Denver et al) Various
8 Word Traffic (from JJD’s Mandala)
9 Landlord (Gene Raskin) Various
10 Living Room*
11 One Day (Matisyahu) Various

* non-album original songs by Jeremy dePrisco

This program is Copyright 2011. Covers are copyright their respective writers.

Be sure to check out the rest of my electro archives.

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.