Categories Making Soundcraft Notepad Mixer Repair Post author By jjdeprisco Post date July 4, 2018 Soundcraft Notepad FX mixer - with one bad XLR channel... wonder what's up? Soundcraft Notepad FX mixer – with one bad XLR channel… wonder what’s up? Let’s lift the hood. OK, that was the easy part. And the problem is pretty clear. During a session, the mixer flew off a table when the mic cable was yanked. The XLR connections broke off completely. Here’s a view of the back. An insulator is supposed to separate the jack from the board. The jack is mostly intact, devoid of its pins which are in the PCB. So we’re going to extract the broken pins… and make NEW ones! Yeah, replacements are available on Ebay, but that will take a week or more. I wanted to fix this NOW. Here’s the repair. Thanks to Audra for holding the part tightly while I soldered. No burns now! Tighter fit than before, but still within reason. Everything back together. Test run. Check! Got my channel back. Oh, and don’t forget to trim those leads BEFORE you put the cover back on. Tags Electronics By jjdeprisco Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer. View Archive → ← SHD 2018 → Danville, PA – 07/07/18 – Ferry Street Grower’s Market – Fricknadorable at Ferry St!