Please excuse the state of the site right now... update underway!

Summer 2009 Update

Two weeks left of the summer… where did it go? Well, in our case mostly traveling, theatre or recovering from both of those. Somewhere in there I completed an internship, leaving absolutely no other time for performing or other event activity.

On the travel front, we went to Maine by car, New Mexico by plane, and then car, and now Delaware to take some time to write about it and maybe post some pictures.

I probably won’t bother to write a trip journal for Maine this time. It was just as relaxing, if a bit more rainy and cold, as our first trip there in 2002. New Mexico is where the stories are, so that is where I am concentrating right now. Stay tuned… …

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.