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Teensy Breakout by Tall Dog

March 3, 2018

I found Daniel Gilbert’s Teensy 3.2 Breakout (Revision D) on Tindie during a web search while working on my Teensy Audio project. The breakout board was out of stock, so I put myself on the wait list immediately. As soon as they were available a few weeks later, I ordered two – one for prototyping and one for potential permanent install. The boards arrived fairly quickly and are of great quality and design.

I know that is it always a good idea to read instructions a couple of times, especially for somewhat specialized stuff like this. This was even more important in this case because I did not plan on using the board 100% exactly as originally proposed. I wanted to use longer pins to allow insertion into a Teensy audio board.

Like other users I had some confusion about the VIN VUSB cut that you need to make on the Teensy, but a quick email to Daniel got me on the right track (see photos below). My only real challenge with this build was the 14-pin double row header. While the instructions say to not worry about lining it up too much, this really does need to line up perfectly with the 5-pin header above it or the Teensy and Breakout wont sandwich together. Luckily, with some foresight I avoided a major issue by using a female header to hold everything in place. In the end I actually had more trouble from the A11,A10,AREF,VUSB header, but with a little gentle bending got everything together.

The 14-pin header soldering area is tight once the 5 pin header is installed. I have a variable soldering iron, but even the conservative setting I typically use was a bit high for working in this area. I had one problematic pin where some plastic melted causing the pin to slide all over the place. At one point I considered scrapping the whole header, but I was able to salvage it after taking a break.

Good light and a magnifying glass are *extremely* helpful here. This was my first time working with the 14-pin right angle header design that connects to pads and to conventional pins. Even for an experienced builder may grow impatient with this. Take breaks!

Altogether the build took me 2 hrs. That was after reading the instructions 3 times in separate sittings. When you consider the cost of this board ($12), the Teensy ($20) and your time, you don’t want to mess up. After I was done, all pins tested fine and I now have a great board that is perhaps too good to use for some projects! This breakout offers more functionality at your fingertips than most people would use in small projects.

By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.